Eligibility Test

The form below allows you to check whether your business is eligible to list a funding request on Beehive’s P2P lending platform and reach a crowd of hundreds of potential investors.

Make sure your answers are as precise as possible to get the most accurate results. Some boxes have additional information to help you fill out the form.  Hover over the “i” (or press the “i” if you’re using a mobile or tablet device) to see the explanation.

Please note that Total Outstanding Debt + New Funding Request cannot exceed 20% of your annual revenue.

If you have any queries, please use the live chat below and our team will help you.

All fields are mandatory

Have any of the following occurred to the business or the owner(s)?:

  • - Missed facility repayment in the last 12 months
  • - Live police case

Have any cheques from the business’s or the owner’s bank account bounced in the last 12 months due to financial reasons?

Good news, you are eligible!

Your answers suggest you meet the minimum requirements for a funding request, please fill in the form below and a member of the team will get in touch.

Please be aware that a positive response from this form doesn’t guarantee your funding request will be approved. Businesses must supply supporting documentation that meets Beehive’s full eligibility requirements to be successful.

    It’s unlikely you’ll be able to request a loan

    Unfortunately, your answers suggest your business is unlikely to be eligible to list a funding request on Beehive’s platform.

    If you have any questions or think you provided insufficient responses, please contact our customer services team on [email protected] or call +971 4 550 6700.